Saturday, December 11, 2010


I am a planner. I decided months ago that I'd have 5% of my paycheck deferred to a separate checking account to plan for Christmas spending. It worked out great, despite not receiving any pay for about 3 months while on maternity leave. Sadly, some of our Christmas gifts were stolen during Home Invasion 2010. Luckily, though, it wasn't more than a couple and they were coincidentally all for the same person.

Anyways, I've been done Christmas shopping for ages, since before Halloween. Now our tree is up and I've slowly been wrapping. Now I'm even done with that. I really love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday and it's really nice to be done and just be able to enjoy the next couple of weeks.

I've been thinking of making Cake Pops or another goodie. I almost always make no bake cookies. I am just so excited to spend our first Christmas together with Ryan and celebrate with our family.

What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

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